Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 716

Chapter 716


It was only the first day. If she spoke too much for Tyrone, it might arouse Sabrinas suspicion.

And I like you very much. Lets stop talking about this and pick out some photos, ILL give you a photo album of our time together when you return home.

Thank you. Jennie hugged her and kised her gently on the cheek.

Sabrinas heart softened by the little girls affection.

After a busy day of sightseeing and a belly full of delicious food,

Jennie began to feel sleepy. Her eyes grew heavy, and she yawned.

Sabrina took her home to have a nap. After Jennie had rested, she suggested they continue their exploration of Mathias.

As the day transitioned to evening and the sun began to set, Sabrina decided to take Jennie to a roast fish restaurant for dinner.

After Sabrina placed their order, Jennie suddenly hopped off her chair and announced, I need to go to the bathroom.

Sabrina offered, Ill take you there.

Its okay, I can go by myself. I know where it is. I saw it when we came in, Jennie reassured, pointing to the bathroom.

Okay, go ahead. Call me if you need anything.

The restaurant wasnt in a populated area, and the bathroom was close by. So Sabrina felt comfortable letting Jennie go by herself.

Jennie entered the bathroom and found an empty cubicle. She closed the door and took out her smartwatch, dialing a number.

Jennie whispered, Uncle, were at Lotus Hall on Culture Road, and they havent served yet. Come quickly!

Sabrina was waiting for the dishes when her phone rang on the table The screen showed the name Tyrone.

Uncle is calling, Jennie reminded.

After a brief pause, Sabrina answered, Hello?

Are you at home now? Im coming to pick up Jennie, Tyrone asked.

Sabrina moved the phone away from her ear and turned to Jennie, saying, Jennie, your uncle is coming to pick you up. Do you want to come back with me tonight? Or do you want to go with your uncle after dinner?

Jennie put her little finger on her chin, pretending to think, then replied dinner.

